He’s steering the ship

an excerpt of recent thoughts

God does not allow anything on accident; there are no coincidences in the center of His will.

I’ve found over the past few years of truly pursuing God’s will & purpose for my life (which, by no means has come effortlessly), that DOORS OPEN.

The right connection appears.

The opportunity arises.

The obstacle is removed (or placed, to steer me in a different direction).

The clarity in the center of his will almost feels too good to be true— not that his will is always the easy route ahead (it is almost always quite difficult, or at the very least, requires a good deal of faith), but He is faithful to provide direction when we request it of Him.

Never is this direction a product of chance, luck, or our own timing— it’s Him! It always has been and will be, whether or not we acknowledge or give thanks for it.

Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow!

Praise Him for his sovereignty over all that I am and all that I do.

He’s in the details; He concerns himself with the nuance of our desires and hopes.

Trust in Him. Request his guidance. He will show up!


What do you want to do with your life?